



....     ..   .... .... ....


Books on:



Mass Media









Introduction to Advertising Media






Surmanek J. Introduction to Advertising Media. – Lincolnwood, Illinois : NTC Business Books, 1993. – 359 p.










Chapter 1 The Advertising Process

Chapter 2 The role of Media Planning

The Role of the Media Planner

Chapter 3 Major Mass Media Types



Out-of-Home Media





Chapter 4 Rating     

How Ratings Are Calculated

"Average" Rating

Commercial Ratings

Importance of Ratings

Ratings for Unreported Demographics

Ratings for Non-Broadcast Media

A Rating Point Is a Rating Point

Professional Workshop

Chapter 5 Homes Using TV:         


Professional Workshop

Chapter 6 Share

Professional Workshop


Chapter 7 Rating/HUT/Share

Estimating a Rating

Professional Workshop

Chapter 8 Gross Rating Points

Demography and Target Rating Points (TRPs)

GRPs/TRPs by Media Type

Time Frame

Why GRPs/TRPs Are Used

Professional Workshop

Chapter 9 Impressions

Professional Workshop

Chapter 10 Index

Calculating an Index

Brand Development Index

Category Development Index

Always Show the Components

Professional Workshop

Chapter 11 Audience Composition

Professional Workshop

Chapter 12 Cost-per-Thousand (CPM)

Professional Workshop 98

Chapter 13 Cost-per-Rating-Point (CPP)

Using CPP to Estimate Affordability

The Relationship of CPP and CPM

Professional Workshop

Chapter 14 Reach

Reach Accumulation

Reach Accumulation over Time


Media Mix

Random Combination of a Media Mix


Professional Workshop

Chapter 15 Frequency

Frequency in a Media Mix

Frequency in Only-Only-Both

Mean, Median, Mode

Professional Workshop

Chapter 16 Reach/Frequency/GRPs

Reach Curves and Frequency Lines

Reach/Frequency in Radio

Reach/Frequency in Print Media

Reach/Frequency in Out-of-Home Media

Media Mix Reach/Frequency

Controlling Reach/Frequency within GRPs

Number of Spots

Professional Workshop

Chapter 17 Frequency Distribution

Professional Workshop

Chapter 18 Quintile Distribution

Calculating Quintile Distribution

Quintile Distributions of a Media Mix

Predefined Quintiles

Why Quintile Distributions Are Used

Professional Workshop

Chapter 19 Effective Reach           

How Much Frequency Is Enough?

Effectiveness = 3+


Methods for Analyzing Effective Reach


Chapter 20 Media Audience Definitions


Product Users


Geodemographic Areas

How Media Report Audiences

Chapter 21 Media Audience Research

Sampling Error

Media Research Suppliers

Chapter 22 Geographic Areas

Broadcast Coverage Area

Television Market

Cable TV Market

Radio Market

Metropolitan Statistical Area Newspaper Areas Nielsen County Size Groups Geodemographic Areas A Note of Caution



Chapter 23 Marketing Input

Achievement Goals

Consumer Definitions

Sales Data

Competitive Activity

Promotion Strategy

Creative Strategy

Chapter 24 How Much to Spend on Advertising

Systems to Determine Spending

Additional Food for Thought

Chapter 25 Media Objectives





How Much?

What Else?


Chapter 26 Preconceived Notions about Media Types

Direct Mail





Sunday Magazine Supplements


Chapter 27 Media Strategies

1. Target Audience

2. Geographic Objective

3. Scheduling Objective

4. Reach/Frequency Objective

5. Coupon Objective

6. Testing Objective

Chapter 28 Media Flowchart

Chapter 29 Principles of Media Management






What this book is all about

This book is all about selecting media for advertising purposes. Media are mass communication vehicles, like magazines, newspapers, outdoor, radio, and television. This book investigates and summarizes how these media work–how they distribute themselves to people and how people "consume" them.

On the one hand, understanding how an advertising medium works is easy. As you probably know, you can place a commercial in a television program. The people watching that program will see your commercial. On the other hand, the process and dynamics of this simple commercial placement are far more complex. You should know, for example, what the rating of the TV program was and what it might be in the future; if it's a network or spot announcement; what the coverage pattern is; what the demographic profile of the viewers is; how many commercials you need to place to have effective reach; how many commercials can air before there is wearout; what the cost-per-thousand is vis a vis alternatives, and soon.

All of these questions contain a specialized language (jargon) which is part and parcel of understanding the dynamics of advertising media. This book defines that jargon and other concepts peculiar to advertising media planning.

The entire spectrum of advertising media outlets changes almost daily. There are constantly new magazines being published, new radio stations, and old radio stations that change their format, new television programs, new ways to reach people within television, and new technologies that are having a direct effect not only on the media you know today, but also on the media forms that will be introduced tomorrow.

This book touches on all the major mass media outlets in existence today and how you might go about selecting one or another medium to carry your advertising message. But no book on the subject of media is ever totally current. From the time this manuscript was completed until the publisher printed the first copy, new media forms came on the scene, new media research has

been conducted, new evaluation tools have been devised. The concepts discussed in this book will generally hold true, but the specifics will always change. To partially overcome changing specifics, most of the explanations, charts, and exhibits are based on hypothetical data rather than real-world numbers.

Much has been written in other books, pamphlets, and advertising industry periodicals by a host of advertising experts about advertising media. There are entire books, for example, on just the radio medium, cable television, direct marketing, advertising strategy, and so on. Digesting that storehouse of literature would be extremely beneficial to anyone desiring to understand the complexities of media planning. This book is not meant to replace that library. Its purpose is to highlight the dynamics of media planning–from the formulation of advertising objectives through the strategic use of media to accomplish goals; from understanding the relationship of one medium to another to comprehending the relationship between various analytical devices used to evaluate media.


How this book can be used

Dealing with the decision-making process in media planning requires a three-dimensional perspective. When choosing a medium you need to know how many different kinds of people consume that medium (width), how many people in total are part of that medium's audience (height), and the period of time it takes to reach those audiences with your advertising message (length). Additionally, many of the concepts and mechanics of media are interrelated and interdependent, thus also forcing a 3-D perspective.

Current physical laws require this book be produced in two dimensions. Further, current publishing formats demand it be written in some form of sequential order–starting at page one ... starting with something. This book does that. But it also allows you to start anywhere you wish. It's divided into three sections for your convenience in selecting a topic about which you have most interest. It's also organized within each section in both a sequential order and in terms of interrelationships. The Schematic Table of Contents allows you to pick a specific subject (such as "Reach") and simultaneously see the other concepts which affect that subject (such as "GRPs").

If you are relatively new to advertising media planning, you might best start at page one. If you are somewhat familiar with the many terms and concepts used in media planning, you could start anywhere else, referring to the Glossary or Index whenever you encounter an unfamiliar term. If you are not sure about your level of knowledge, you could turn to those pages in Part II, "Media Definitions and Dynamics," which are entitled Professional Workshop. These pages present a series of questions about each concept or media dynamic. If you are able to easily answer all these questions, you certainly do not need to labor through reading all of Part II.

Lastly, if after studying all that is contained in this book, you need to review a particular media formula (e.g., converting CPP to CPM) you could turn to the last several pages, which contain a series of the most commonly used formulas…»


The full text of the book can be found at bookstores, e-bookstores and libraries.


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See also:

Cases in Advertising

Advertising Media Sourcebook

Advertising Media A to Z

Books on Advertising

Books on PR

Books on Mass Media

